🧑🏻‍🏫Day 9— #45DaysLearnNewLanguage Learn Romanian

4 min readDec 7, 2023


Learning Romanian Language Challenge Day #9

Let us delve into the realm of “the article” or, in Romanian, “Articol Hotărât.” Extensive resources on the internet expound on this topic. However, I intend to elucidate the methods and techniques employed to commit these intricacies to memory.

Articol Hotărît

In the singular form, for masculine and neutral gender nouns, the addition of “-l, -ul, -le” prevails. The same holds true for neutral nouns. Meanwhile, for singular feminine nouns, the manipulation of the last letter is required — ‘ă’ becomes ‘a,’ ‘e’ transforms to ‘e+a,’ ‘ie’ evolves into ‘ia,’ ‘ea’ morphs into ‘ea+ua,’ and ‘a’ shifts to ‘a+ua.’ The modifications for plural nouns follow suit: in the plural masculine form, ‘i’ transforms into ‘i+i,’ whereas for feminine and neutral nouns, ‘e’ changes to ‘e+le,’ ‘uri’ takes on ‘uri+le,’ and ‘i’ adopts ‘I+le.’ The overarching rule dictates that, in the singular form, most masculine and neutral nouns acquire the suffix “ul” — the preeminent choice for these grammatical forms.

As for verbs, they undergo various transformations. Instead of delving into detailed explanations here, I opt to present the tangible results yielded by my endeavors.

Verb Form Changes

After immersing myself in the intricacies of grammar, my approach to solidify this knowledge involved committing it to memory through rigorous practice. I diligently took a piece of paper, challenging my mind to recall information in reverse order. This method of cognitive exercise not only compelled my brain to work diligently in retrieving information but also disrupted existing connections, fostering a sense of autonomy for each piece of information. Consequently, this deliberate practice facilitates a smoother recall during conversations, enabling a more effortless integration of the learned grammar into practical communication.

Practicing verb forms

In day #8, I pledged to initiate a conversation. Now, it’s time to engage in dialogue.


Viața mea de zi cu zi.

Sunt student. Am lecții de luni până vineri. Este obligatoriu să particip la lecții. În fiecare zi mă trezesc la ora 6. Apoi fac un duș în baie. Nu iau micul dejun. Asta pentru că nu am prea mult timp pentru micul dejun. Mă duc la universitate cu metroul. Metroul nu ia mult timp. De asemenea, acesta este mult mai ieftin decât autobuzul și troleibuzul. Lecțiile încep la ora 8. Lecțiile sunt foarte dificile și prea lungi. Încerc să nu dorm la lecții. După facultate, vin acasă la ora 3. Apoi alerg afară. Uneori văd oameni care fac fotografii și pictează tablouri. Nu gătesc, pentru că nu pot. De aceea cumpăr mâncare pentru seară. Apoi studiez limba română. La ora 12 mă duc la culcare. Aceasta este viața mea de zi cu zi.


Translated into


My everyday life.

I’m a student. I have lessons from Monday to Friday. It is compulsory to attend lessons. Every day I wake up at 6 o’clock. Then I take a shower in the bathroom. I don’t eat breakfast. That’s because I don’t have much time for breakfast. I go to the university by subway. The metro doesn’t take long. It is also much cheaper than the bus and trolleybus. Classes start at 8 o’clock. The lessons are very difficult and too long. I try not to sleep during lessons. After college, I come home at 3 o’clock. Then I run outside. Sometimes I see people taking photos and painting pictures. I don’t cook, because I can’t. That’s why I buy food for the evening. Then I study Romanian. At 12 o’clock I go to bed. This is my everyday life.


As day #9 concludes, I share in your excitement as numerous concepts solidify within the confines of my mind. It’s a testament to the effectiveness of consistent practice and revision, the cornerstones of any successful learning journey. The commitment to daily practice, coupled with the essential act of revisiting learned material, is indispensable.

Your enthusiasm is palpable, and I, too, anticipate our continued journey into day #10. May the coming days bring further insights and achievements in your pursuit of knowledge. Until then, happy learning!




Written by anergcorp

I am a bit of everything, I love programming, writing blogs, and mostly I do task automation, web programming

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